a) This website is an online store for the sale of products via the internet (hereinafter referred to as the “Online Store”) of the company with the name “BYZANTINE”, based in Vasiliki, Kalampaka, 42200, Tax Identification Number 159079541, Tax Office of Trikala . GEMI 155055053000, tel: 00306978843526, fax: ———–, e-mail: info@byzanteiko.gr, (hereinafter referred to as “Company”).
b) This includes the terms of use of the Online Store.
c) All prices are in Euro (€) and include the legal VAT.
d) Each contract concluded through the Online Store is governed by the public law provisions of compulsory law and the terms of this as well as those that may be agreed in writing between the Company and the user. Verbal or other terms do not apply.
e) Every user who comes in contact with the Online Store and / or uses its relevant services, is considered to consent to the application of the terms hereof, and accepts them unconditionally in their entirety. A user who does not agree / disagree with all or part of the terms must abstain from using the Online Store and from any transaction with it. Any disagreement, in case of continued use, in no way affects the application of all the terms.

The access and use of this website by any visitor is governed by the terms of use and operation of the website. The above-mentioned unconditional acceptance of the above terms is a condition of access and use of this website. In particular, the acceptance of the terms is presumably assumed from the moment that these terms are inherent in a visible place and the access to them is indicated and facilitated by appropriate means according to the trading manners. The website reserves the right to modify freely, unilaterally and without notice the terms of use and operation of this website within the law. The use of this website and the services provided on it presupposes, but also confirms the acceptance by visitor of the pre-existing terms, as they apply, with the above indicative modifications, interventions and removals from the website. Any invalidity of some of the terms (use – operation of website and transactions), does not lead to invalidity of the rest. The website reserves the right to modify, suspend, suspend the operation of this website and / or the services provided on it, for reasons of maintenance, improvement, etc., at any time and without notice, subject to the rights of visitors and third parties. by law or by contract with the website. Also, the visitors are obliged to act within the framework of the law of the Greek state, including the generally accepted rules of International Law, as well as of the International Conventions, which from their ratification by law and their entry into force according to the terms of each, constitute integral part of Greek domestic law and prevail over any other contrary provision of law (art. 28, par. 1, Constitution 1975/1986/2001), to respect and abide by any law of European or International Law applicable to the use of this website and the services offered and to exercise their rights within the limits set by good faith, good morals and the social and economic purpose of their rights (art. 281 of the Civil Code).

The website is solely responsible for the information provided by it on this website, if it owes and is able in accordance with the provisions of the law to know their accuracy and legality and without prejudice to any typographical errors or minor omissions. Subject to the provisions of applicable law, which apply to liability issues for information society service providers, the Website is relieved of any liability for any content that any third party publishes on this Website, in so far as it meets its welfare obligations. and control provided by law.

Visitors are obliged not to use this website, the website e-mail, chat rooms and forums or any other way of expression on social media sites, e.g. instagram, facebook, etc., for posting, publishing, transmitting information, data and content in general, in any form that is illegal, unlawful, abusive, defamatory and / or false, threatening, deceptive, extortionate, abusive, provocative, offensive, obscene, vulgar, blasphemous, pornographic, racist, as well as not adopting behaviors that are contrary to the Code of Conduct inυο (Netiquette). In particular, users are prohibited from:
1. sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content that is illegal for any reason, causes illegal infringement and damage to the COMPANY or any third party or violates the confidentiality or confidentiality of information any person.
2. sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in other ways any content that offends users’ morals, social values, minority, etc.
3. posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content for which users do not have the right to transmit in accordance with the law or applicable contracts (such as inside information, property and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or covered by confidentiality agreements);
5. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material containing software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip it operation of any computer software or hardware,
6. intentional or unintentional infringement of applicable law or regulations;
7. harassment of third parties in any way; 8. collection or storage of personal data relating to other users.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

Except for the expressly stated exceptions (copyrights of third parties, affiliates and operators), all content of the page, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services provided and in general all the files of this site, are copyright, registered trademarks and service marks, and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. The page does not guarantee in any case the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results.

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